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Peak Mountain 3


FA Kevin Pilon
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


The movement on this plus the super fun topout make it a must. I cleaned off a serious amount of crap to get to this boulder, so you should humor me by climbing it. Pull right from the sit start and work up the horizontal cracks to a beautiful right hand crimp above a mossy platform (avoid the platform). Straight up to an apparent slope and top out using the deepest diagonal crack ever.


The rightmost of two obvious routes on the wall that share a central sit start (sit start is bottom right of main picture). It is excellent for the grade and has some of the most improbably nice crimpers you'll find around. You will recognize it by several horizontal cracks that are too sweet for Duluth.


A pad for sure and possibly an extra to cover the rock ledge in case of a slip. Spotter is helpful.

Routes in Northwest Face 2

  1. 2
2000 km
1000 mi