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Peak Mountain 3

Where Paradise Ain't So Crowded (aka "Reamer")

FA Prep: Darryl Roth/Dan Durland, FFA: Mark Anderson, 4 Nov. 11
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


WPASC is the old Darryl Roth/Dan Durland project listed as "Reamer" in Sharp End's "Shelf Road Rock". This unassuming line demands healthy quantities of brains and brawn, beginning with a thuggish roof problem and finishing with the most difficult stretch of vertical wall climbing yet freed at Shelf Road. The rock here is absolutely flawless, despite the understated appearance of the line, and solitude is guaranteed.

A few easy slab moves lead to a good stance at the crook of the looming roof. Utilize a shallow but incut 2-finger pocket to reach the lip, followed by burly moves and an improbable huck to get established on the hanging panel. After a mediocre shake at a horizontal seam, work up to a big undercling and the redpoint crux. Teeter precariously past a pair of side-pulls--using polished bumps for feet--fighting the dull pump to reach a shallow crack. Grope over the subtle bulge through a sea of black lichen-covered slopers and prickly knobs to arrive at a much needed shake on the high slab. Shallow pockets and sharp crimps work up the short headwall to the chains.


This is the furthest right route in the Dreamer Pit, beginning immediately right of Dreamer or the second route right of


. Climb over an obvious low roof to a vertical wall, finishing at a set of long black chains. For full value, avoid the arete on the far right.


8 bolts, 2BA.

1000 km
500 mi