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Peak Mountain 3

Bubbas In Bondage

FA Jim Anglin 1983
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


An easier variation start to the original pinic lunch wall route. Very Steep!

P1 - 5.4 C1 or 5.11c? - Retro Bolted into a sport route this pitch is now MUCH easier once A3+ and very heads up, now it can go free semi easily. Follow bolts to a clean low angle diheadral. Move up diheadral on gear make a short free move to bomber belay. P2 - A2 - Mostly all original bolts with the occasional sawed off pin placement. Very steep. Ends at belay 2 on original Picnic Lunch Wall route.

P3-P5 Follow original Picnic Lunch Wall route to the top.


To the right if the orignal route. Start atop blocks below massive routes.


Same as Picnic Lunch Wall.

1000 km
500 mi