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Peak Mountain 3

The Matthes Crest Sphinx

FA DCuster & SRuff, 2005ish
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


The south buttress of the peak that is the (northerly) continuation of Matthes Crest, a prominence on Echo Ridge (11168’); filed here under Matthes Crest as it is an obvious continuation of the S=>N MC traverse. The climbing is enjoyable, and the rock quality is generally sound (& would clean up nicely if it got some traffic). If you’ve finished the MC traverse and want more pitches, this is on your way out. Rewarding 360 degree view of the Cathedral Range from the summit.  P1: up & right, knobs and cracks, to right end of large roof; ~90’ P2: up the slot; easier and more enjoyable than it looks; (most of) the chock stones are well seated; ~70’ P3: up the buttress; cracks and knobs; ~200’


Start at the left end of the lowest roof above the toe of the buttress.


standard rack to #3 camalot; we made good use of offset cams, metolius blue->black

2000 km
1000 mi