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Peak Mountain 3

Pebble Beach

FA Grant Hiskes, Greg Rustler 8/82
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


This route wanders up the face just left of right facing corners for two pitches.

The first pitch heads up steep large knobs to a bolt about 25-30 feet up, serious 5.7. Continue up and right past a second bolt and onward to some small gear. Traverse left to a third bolt and back right past two closely spaced bolts. The crux knobs can be mossy and dirty above the 5th bolt.

Either traverse straight left at the 6th bolt to the last bolt of Dark Side of the Force and continue left to that belay (recommended) or mantle up to a gear belay with poor anchors.

Second pitch heads up and left to the top with virtually no protection (1 retro-bolt added by FFA team) on easy 5th class.


This route is just left of the right facing corner at the left side of the north end of Dark Side Dome's west face. It has a very high first bolt.


Six or seven good 3/8" bolts, several long slings, small stoppers, set of TCU's. The intermediate belay takes small-medium TCU's. Top belay had no fixed anchor. You can bail at the end of the first pitch to the Dark Side rappel anchor.

500 km
300 mi