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MapThe Last Gasp
If you've ever been standing at the tree ledge belay of Upper Refuse and looked up to your left and said, what's that badass crack in the corner with those pins, you're not alone. Ive wondered the same thing for years, so I finally found out.The Last Gasp starts off the pitch 2 belay of Upper Refuse and makes a few thin moves into a right facing corner. The crack gets better as you move up but is thin throughout. Climb up and past 2 pitons, move slightly left, then do a badass mantle over the top of the cliff. Belay from trees.
The right facing corner with 2 pitons located above and 2 the left of the pitch 2 belay of Upper Refuse.
2 pitons, standard rack with extra small cams and small nuts.
Routes in Barber Wall
- 28The Last Gasp5.10dTrad