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Peak Mountain 3

King of the Mountain

FA David Crane, Aug 2020
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


"Rule number one: you do not talk about King of the Mountain. Rule number two: there are no rules... Pushing, shoving and cheating are encouraged."


Start right of the bush, matched on a ridge in the dish. Careful not to smash our tiny tree friend on the first mantle! Stay left of the tree, stand up here with the help of chossy underclings. Find the bailout walk-off to your left or move behind the tree to the right to make the airy roof move with solid jugs you can't see - high right.


Right of the bush growing against the rock. East face.


A pad will help a fall from the first half...

Routes in Be Careful What You Wish For!

500 km
500 mi