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Peak Mountain 3

True Love

FA David Hume
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


This sick crimpfest will test your ability to adhere to the worst slopey holds imaginable. Many a Golden Boy suitor has peered to the right to inspect the holds of True Love only to remark that it only has footholds, not handholds. Rest assured, the holds are there, but they require precision and control to hang onto.

Start as for Golden Boy with a few long reaches to a mantle onto a ledge, chalk up and mount the face above. The first couple bolts will weed out those not up to the challenge, if these moves feel hard, try Golden Boy instead. The crux, at about mid-height, consists of a V8-9 boulder problem with delicate moves between insecure holds. Above this, the climbing eases dramatically with an enjoyable series of long reaches between large, slopey pockets.


On the Gold Coast, this is the furthest right route on the main wall, proper (not counting the bolted dihedral). It's just right of Golden Boy.



2000 km
1000 mi