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Peak Mountain 3

Hallie Haley

FA 9/25/04 Joe Cote and Larry Boehmler
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


The crux is the start. Solid climbing up to, and past the bolt.If one starts on Weak Nuts and steps right to Hallie's the grade is more consistent with the rating. Not sure which way Joe went.I believe the climb is named for Joe Coty's granddaughter. Joe F.A.'d numerous NH high-quality climbs in the 1970's and 80's.


With the addition of "Rattle Can" this is now the second bolted route on the main slab. (R > L after you reach the main slab from the Carpet Slab)


4 Draws to webing wraped around a tree.

1000 km
500 mi