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Peak Mountain 3

Smoke One Later

FA unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


As with Smoke One Now, I thought this really good, and worth the effort to get too. Perhaps a bit low in the grade.

Start standing on a side pull crimp, below the left end of an obvious 3 foot long slanting rail in the middle of the face. Make a move to the bottom of the rail (as in Smoke One Now). Move to the right end of the rail, then up to a thin flake/crimp (don't pull too hard on it!). Reach up to a good pinch below the lip, then then to the sloping top for a committing mantle.


Follow the directions in the description of Smoke One Now, to get to Joint Ravine Boulder. It is on the side of the boulder facing down canyon.


A pad. Great landing zone.

2000 km
1000 mi