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Peak Mountain 3

Spic 'n Span - Spic

FA unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


(i'm just assigning names to this boulder/routes to serve as place holders on, this is not a fa or new problem as i'm sure these both have been climbed many times in many ways) This line goes straight up the arete. Sit start with left hand on good abnormal juggy hold, right hand on slopy arete, and both feet on a good shelf. Pull hard and stand up, go right hand high to a good crimp on the arete, then bump left hand to side pull crimp, step up, bump left hand again to a wierd pocket that has a good mono in it and a thumb catch. Finish with right hand going to the lip, traverse right on the lip for the best top out holds or just go straight up for a slightly harder finish.


Spic n Span boulder is located right behind the Carrier boulder. When approaching the carrier boulder go left before the face and you will see Spic, or go around the carrier boulder and go into the corridor to see Span.


A pad or 2.

2000 km
1000 mi