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Peak Mountain 3


FA Monique Forestier
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Among the most distinct "lines" at the Red, Kaleidescope climbs the brilliant, arching arete feature at the far right end of the Drive By crag. The route offers two unique sections: technical reaches up monolithic, square-cut panels, followed by pumping slopers and slaps up the ever steepening arete. Ultimately pump-managment is the challenge here, and the last bolt is often skipped in a mad dash for the chains.

Stick clip the first bolt and step off the boulder onto a mungy ledge. The first tricky section overcomes a leaning arete/dihedral with big moves from slopers. Move left after a series of long cranks along the arete, then mantle over a small roof to reach the juggy wall. Recently folks have moved far left to a good shake that was not used on the FA. Sequential pinches and slopers lead up and eventually right to a strenuous shake on the arete, just below the crux section. Big moves lead up the left side of the arete, past a difficult clip, and gymnastic footwork, culminating in a big slap to an obvious under-cling. Ride the belly of the beast past the last bolt, turn the lip, and sprint for good jugs at the anchor.


Far right end of the main Drive By crag (but way left of "Arachnophobia"). This is the furthest right route before the enormous amphitheater.


~10 bolts, 2BA. Stick clip recommended.

1000 km
500 mi