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Peak Mountain 3


FA Aaron Parlier
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


SS to the right of the tree and with hands on the crimp lines. work your way up the satisfying crimps and make your way to the right side of the overhang. toss up with your right to the perfect, giant sandstone "pocket" feature. top out to the right, up and over the prominence.


walk up to the speakeasy from the "spray" boulder. go to the most prominent section of the wall where the face is tallest and most overhanging. there should be a tree close to the right side of the prominence. deliverance sitstarts to the left of the tree at the bottom of the overhang. the problem goes straight up the overhang and then trends to the right of the prominence to the top out. notice the giant, perfect, bucket-like pocket on the right side of the prominence. use this to reach the slopey and flat top.



2000 km
1000 mi