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Peak Mountain 3

Stone Free

FA bolted by Vernon Phinney, Chris Barnes, & Mike Engle, Aug 2018
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


P1:  Start with a move over a prow close to ground and follow much easier terrain to a large ledge and chain anchors.  Pleasant easy climbing but nothing special.

P2:  This is an amazing pitch.  From the chain anchors on pitch 1 follow a steeo band of "C" shaped chert holds.  Good hand holds but poor feet.  Pumpy and super fun all the way to the anchors.

With a little rope management and long draws at the top of P1 it is possible to climb the route as one long 100' pitch (as was done on the FFA).


Start left of a large grey 30' pillar and climb towards a ledge below a "C" shaped chert band.


If done as a single pitch, 15 draws and sport anchors at the top. You can lower to ground with a 60 meter rope - barely. Knot the ends of your rope!

1000 km
500 mi