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Peak Mountain 3


FA unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Awesome route with 4 distinct sections. 70m rope needed. Plenty of rests makes this pitch very approachable.

The first section is a bouldery start off the ground. Definitely 10+ish. I placed doubled yellows alien right before the move, and then a red alien part way through.

Then you get a nice section of mixed-size jamming with occasional stemming feet.

Next up is a 40' section of green (#.75) Camalots. Normally this would be desperate thrutching and aid climbing for me, but there is an awesome offset wall to the left with good feet and you can do the whole section with chimney moves. Unlimited no hands rests all the way up.

Then you get to a huge resting ledge where you can contemplate the business.

And the business is about 30 feet of tight hands (#1 Camalots) Power through this as the angle kicks back and you get rewarded with some bomber hand jams (#2 Camalots) and finally some wide hands (#3 Camalots) up over the roof. I brought a 3.5" Camalot but never placed it.


2 Yellow Alients & 1 Red Alien. 3 #0.5 Camalots. 5 #0.75 Camalots. 7 #1 Camalots. 4 #2 Camalots. 4 #3 Camalots. Yes, I stitched it up.

1000 km
1000 mi