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Peak Mountain 3

The Box

FA unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


A worthwhile route, despite the loose rock. Climbs the chimney corner between

Introducing Meteor Dad

and Le Diamant E'ternal (LDE) to the left and right, respectively. A fun stemming problem surmounts the low crux bulge. Easy but loose climbing above past ledges. A crack on the left face can keep the rope from running across the ledge and dislodging anything loose. Climb on slightly choosy rock to the right at the top to reach the anchors atop LDE. Worth a smile, a nice moderate, just keep the belayer out of the line of fire.


Standard gear up to three inches, including long runners. BE CAREFUL OF LOOSE ROCK! Doesn't receive too much traffic, and loose rock on the ledges and choose your holds in the upper half carefully. Can use the anchors to the right at the top of Le Diamant E'ternal for toproping or seconding this pitch.

2000 km
1000 mi