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Peak Mountain 3

Two Bag Face

FA Phil Heller, Alex Carr
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Climb up the chimney formed by a detached block. Step left off the top of the block onto the face, clip a glue-in bolt, and then head into a small crack, finding gear as you go. From the seam, pull up onto a sizeable ledge. Follow smallish holds up to large horizontals trending left, toward the arête. Move across the arête to the left side, take in the view and exposure and follow generous but spaced horizontals to bolted anchors at the top.

The direct start to this route is R rated unless you have some very large gear (Big Bro) to plug in the ~20' detached block to start. This R start can be circumvented by walking uphill to climber's right ten feet, climbing the short dihedral to the top of the block, then traversing left. There is no gear, so technically it's still PG13, but much easier climbing than the direct start.

300 km
200 mi