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Peak Mountain 3

Left End Corners

FA unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Left End Corners is an excellent outing on the far left side of the second buttress. This can be done at either 5.6 or 5.8, depending on the precise line. I'll describe the 5.8 line - the 5.6 line goes left on the second pitch and avoids the final corner (Resom).

P1: Climb up easy rock about 50' to a big ledge.

P2: Go right to a nice crack - Malloy incorrectly shows

Chuck E Cheese

going up this crack in the photo. The hardest part is getting started (5.7 or so). You can stay near the right edge of the face up higher for some excellent climbing. Belay at a large ledge (100').

P3: Climb an easy gully on the left. After about 60', strike out right to an obvious corner (the Resom Dihedral), and follow this to a wall at the top (crux), 180'.


Take the trail to the left side of the buttress. Move left to the edge of the rock before a minor buttress left of the main one - a large dead log marks the start.


Standard rack.

2000 km
1000 mi