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Peak Mountain 3

Losing My Religion

FA Tony Calderone, Stan Contrell
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


P1 -Two  layback sections that take good pro, with a bolt protected slab section between them. A thoughtful mantel at the 2nd bolt is the highlight of this pitch. Chain anchors (95')

P2 - Up a bit, then a fun step to the left with two choices as to what to grab to make it happen. Don't sling the chock stone at your feet to protect this move as it seems a bit loose. Climb Left Clipping Two bolts and moving right past the Pin. mantling your way to the belay ledge.

P3 - Head up from the left side of the ledge (or right for some spice) past three bolts. Fun slab moves as you trend left towards to the crack where you find the original belay anchors, though one of the chains seems to have been eaten by varmints... so clip the remainder and go right to the anchors for a neighboring 5.10ish route. (70' or so to secondary anchors)

Fun to lead, easy to follow.


Park at Gate Buttress

East of the Disco Duck, West of Bare Foot Barbados


Set of Tcus

Five Quickdraws

Competent Belayer

1000 km
500 mi