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Peak Mountain 3

The Raucous Wren.

FA Layne Potter, Paul Ross (alt leads) April19th,2005
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


P1.A)A short crack above a bush on the right side of the slab. After the crack move slightly right and enter an obvious groove/crack. Follow this and exit left from a pro piton and cross a slab into another groove system with double anchors. 150' 5.6.

P1.B)An alternative first pitch but of lesser quality is the left slanting crack twenty feet left the original start. This leads directly to the double anchors at the foot of the upper groove system.150' 5.5

P2)Straight up groove until one can move left near the top and easy slab to summit anchors. 190'5.6. Rap the route.


Located on the next slab formation to the left,about 300' left of Ranting Ravens.


Friends. #0.5 to #3.5 slings Two 60m ropes

2000 km
1000 mi