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Peak Mountain 3


FA Webster Dicks '78
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Good bit of rock climbing that will capture your capricious attention.  P1: Start atop the tiered ledges of Diedre.  Climb a rightward leaning dirty crack.  Be sure to extend your gear through this first bit to not damage further experiences.  Continue along the angling cracks, getting closer and closer to the slabby arete.  Delicate climbing leads you to a 'thank goodness' bolt.  A classic Cathedral mantel ensues.  5.10+Belay at the ledge or continue a little further past a steep yet moderate bit to blueberry terrace. 5.8/9To go from the ground to blueberry terrace is a 60 meter pitch.  Mind the drag.P2: To the right of the steep slanting corner at the far edge of blueberry terrace is another slanting crack system in a face with an obvious bolt about halfway up.  This is the second pitch.  Great climbing leads to the bolt where another cruxy maneuver is encountered before the final enjoyable crack and jug covered face leads to a rap anchor just over the lip.  Great kinetics on this pitch. Top out or return to Blueberry to climb some other great pitch.


Just right of Diedre


Good helping of thin stuff to 2 camalot. Thin wires and doubles in finger sizes are good. Extendo draws.

1000 km
500 mi