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Peak Mountain 3

Unknown PH fingers to hands splitter

FA unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Lie back the start on the lighter rock where a block has come off the wall and pull into the off fingers splitter that passes a hollow flake and turns to thin hands as it winds it way up the wall before thinning down again before the anchors. Cripy edges abound on this thing but are hard to trust. There's a nice hold to clip the chains from to take the edge off after climbing through some thin stuff.


Right of Crescent Corner and Petrified Hornet (where the trail comes up) by maybe 50 yards. Look for the splitter cutting the dark face with a block missing at the start of the climb from the left side of the crack, leaving a white scar.


Cams from tips to hands (.3 to 2 Camalots) with extras in the off fingers to thin hands.

1000 km
500 mi