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Peak Mountain 3

Quick One Two

FA unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Sit start on an obvious jug on the east side of the base of what looks like a mini pillar block.Pull on and make a dynamic move to the obvious ledge or move right hand up to get a pinch to stall and go again on. Either way, get to the ledge and mantle and climb up on top of the cube sitting on the ledge and celebrate. Just another quick problem to add to the circuit. It's fun too.


Third Tier, about in the middle, on a protruding pillar like block. One cube like boulder sits on top to make this look like a pillar. Sit down on the east side, find the start jug, and go.


crashpad for your bum

Routes in The Tiers

  1. 35
    Quick One Two
2000 km
1000 mi