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Peak Mountain 3

The Jagged Wedge

FA unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Just to the left of the Warm-Up is a wide fists crack, turning into an offwidth halfway up. This is The Jagged Wedge. A fun route, but bring your lead head! See beta below.


Left side of the large "flake" the the Warm-up climbs.


Start out with a few BD #3s and a #4s, depending on your comfort level. Next the offwidth starts at #5s, progresses to a shoddy #6, and then too wide to take any other cams. Climb about 20-30 feet above your last piece using the offwidth for leg jams, acquire a small ledge, traverse left for a solid #2 placement, then move right on top of the gigantic flake for the anchors.

2000 km
1000 mi