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Peak Mountain 3

Golden Staircase, pitches 1&2

FA unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


P1: (5.9, 1 star). Climb slabby rock which is a little dirty down low and end below the upper headwall on a large ledge with a 2 bolt anchor.

P2: (5.10c, 3 stars). Climb the colorful wall above near the arete on crisp edges. Pull two roofs with the second being the toughest.

There are two bolts at the top, but they are not set up to rappel. Either bring some slings, and downclimb to the nearby 5.12 anchors, or get your rope stuck.


Doug Haller

: there is now a second rap at the far east side of the summit. It requires downclimbing to a chockstone and then some. This puts you in a better position for P3 and P4.


It is located on the NW corner at the low point of the rock.



500 km
300 mi