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Peak Mountain 3

All You Sinners

FA unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


An awesome, tall problem, for some reason not in the new guidebook. It is in the Utah Bouldering guide (Grijalva-Pegg-Bigwood). Start on the blocky hold, about 5 feet up, on the right side of the face move up and right through a jug, and get the right hand in the gaston flake. Make a long hard move (crux) up and left to a jug at the lip. Finish on good holds.


Follow the directions as for Antaeus to the Stigma boulder (up the trail above and left of Dirty Harry). All You Sinners starts on the right side of the north face of the boulder on a good hold in the white rock about 5 feet up.


Three pads and a spotter. The landing is pretty good, though slopes a bit downhill at the lower end of it.

1000 km
500 mi