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Peak Mountain 3

Hands Across America

FA Rob Robinson
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


My vote for the most intimidating looking single pitch of trad cimbing in the South. The hardest and best of what I consider the "Triple Crown" of T-Wall roof cracks to borrow from the bouldering competition of the same name.

Upon closer inspection bomber jams and locks are to be found but you gotta earn this one. This has probably seen less than 10 ascents since the first in '85. It's not that it's impossibly hard but it takes a little extra effort.

I'd love to know the exact number of ascents. Shipoopi was rumored to have barely missed the onsight falling at the last roof. If anyone has onsighted it I'd love to hear about it. This is a proud climb and one of Rob Robinson's finest. Get psyched.


Can't miss the monster double (triple?) tiered roofs at the top of approach trail.


This climb is a logistical nightmare. Double ropes MANDATORY. When you get to the lip of the big roof clip fixed pro with second rope. Once established in the corner untie first rope. Standard rack.

Routes in T-Wall East

  1. 3
    Hands Across America
2000 km
1000 mi