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Peak Mountain 3

Hydrogen Psychosis Project aka Crazy Eye

FA unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


So named because you probably need a little bit of the Hydrogen Psychosis to actually want to do this problem, the H.P. project is one of the more painful problems I've come across in SB (the only other problem that compares is the Static Eliminator sit but this guy feels much worse). Hydrogen Psychosis glory is guarded by two of the thinnest crimps in S.B. that'll eat through your fingers so fast you'll think you were out at the Buttermilks. Only time will tell if those crimps will survive but at the moment they seem pretty solid (definitely be careful about not climbing this one after rain though).

Crux comes right off the bat in three really difficult moves to get established on the "Eye-Socket" hole and razor gaston. From here do a couple easier but balancy moves through the sloper to gain a good edge before busting a cool sequence out right over the tree through good edges with marginal feet to eventually meet up with Deep Search. Good luck!


Just to the left the tree at the base of Bob's Ground up Boulder, sit start left hand on good jug and right on good edge.



1000 km
500 mi