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Peak Mountain 3

Palm Perforator

FA unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Admittedly a contrived squeeze job, but well worth the elimination of holds if you would like a proper slab challenge. Bounce start with your left hand on the crimp of Half Hunkered Lizard and left foot on the sloper below, palm press the sloper crimp of Proposal and bounce into a rock over on the left foot. Use the broken off undercling in order to stand up to the sloper pocket and climb straight up the blankest part of the face. Avoid all other holds on Half Hunkered Lizard and Proposal (yes including the obviously in reach jug pocket sidepull combo that makes the climb closer to V3 after the lip maneuver.)


This is a variation of #8 on the topo. Start with right hand on the left starting hold of Proposal.


A pad.

Routes in County Line Boulders

  1. 10
    Palm Perforator
2000 km
1000 mi