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Peak Mountain 3

Cathartes Aura

FA Peter Thomas, Erik Klumpp, Alan Prehmus, August 2020
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


This climb starts just left of the traditional descent between Parkview and Ranch Hand. Climb blocky terrain to the first bolt. Stem the shallow corner with good holds past three more bolts. The crux comes around the 4th/5th bolt on slabby terrain with good feet. Continue up the slab/face and through a little roof with good holds to a two bolt anchor.


This climb starts at a right-facing corner at the top of the gully between Park View Dome and Ranch Hand. From the base of Parkview, follow a climber's trail up and right into the gully between the two domes.  Continue up the gully through loose terrain, and stem past a few large boulders to where the gully starts to cliff out.

Be cautions on the approach as there is still a lot of loose rock in the gully



9 bolts to a 2-bolt anchor.

1000 km
500 mi