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Peak Mountain 3

College Drop Out aka East Face North Side

FA Richard and Joyce Rossiter, 1982.
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


If you're like me, the rating scale for slab climbs is different than vertical crack climbs. In other words, a 5.7s Flatiron and Eldo climb are very different in nature. You won't notice a 80ft. runout on the Third like you would on a climb like Icarus (5.6s) in Eldo. With that said, be wary, but not scared off by the serious fall potential rating.

Start from the East Bench and move straight up. You may also move to the L and belay at a small tree on the edge of the channel. After three pitches, you can either move R of the "U", (7s) or through the middle (6s). After this fork, two more pitches will gain the summit.

DESCENT: There are three rappels from fixed eye-bolts. A single 50m rope is sufficient; on the last rappel, you may either use a double-rope for the 140ft. mostly free-rappel or traverse [left] on a ledge and rap 72ft. on a single rope to the West Bench.


Standard rack on the light side.

1000 km
1000 mi