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Peak Mountain 3

Goodbye Blue Monday

FA Jared LaVacque
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Start on two crimps, right and left. Move right to a scoop, then lunge right to a shelf/hueco, set feet and move left to an edge and then make your way left to two edges, set feet again and move to a sloper/crimp or out left to a downward facing edge and match then move up to another crimp and topout.

The wall of


is off, for purists. The grade DROPS to V5 if they are used.

The crux is linking the entire route together. The rock is beautiful jet black Dakota Sandstone, with powerful moves on crimps, side-pulls and huecos.


It is on the east side of the Mistress Boulder, to the right of




A couple of pads.

1000 km
1000 mi